2011年7月15日 星期五

To the Best Teacher, Kelly

Three weeks for the ESP:ACS course in UQ has passed. From it I learned not only English, but also attitude: the attitude of confidence and positiveness.

Our teacher, Kelly, is one of the best teachers I have ever met. She managed the class well, and her teaching expertise was subtle. For example, she wouldn't give us any answer directly when some questions had been asked. Instead, she invited every student to come up with the answers. I enjoyed this way because it gave us more opportunities to express ourselves and to think deeply.

I was luck to be Kelly's student. It was memorable.

2011年6月24日 星期五

The First Week in Brisbane

On the morning of Jun. 21, 2011, Ting and I arrived in Brisbane; I would study in the University of Queensland and she planed to work. The first day was not smooth at all. Since we couldn't use the internet, we got lost many times because we didn't have any map with us. Also we didn't know what to eat to save money. Everything seemed expensive in Brisbane.

On the first day, we visited UQ and activated my bank account there. The scenery of the school was pleasant.

Living in such high expenditure city, we tried to cook for every meal. Unfortunately, both of us were bad at cooking so we needed to tried and error. I'd not eaten meat for three days and always felt hungry. Finally, I ate lamb today thanks to Ting who bought cheap lamb for us.
Next week we will move to a new place. I wish it to be a nice place to live. I also hope everything can be on track as soon as possible.

2011年6月7日 星期二

One-day Trip to Fu-xing Township

On Jun 6, 2011, also Dragon Boat Festival in Chinese tradition, my girlfriend and I went to explore the beauty of Fu-xing Township in Taoyuan. Since the central part of Taiwan is mountainous and Fu-xing Township is located in it, visitors can enjoy forest, rivers, or even some waterfalls.

2011年6月4日 星期六




(1) 到澳大利亞商工辦事處採取紙本遞件申請
(2) 透過澳洲移民局網站辦理學生電子簽證



  • 護照(申辦電子簽證要掃描)
  • 身分證(掃描)
  • COE
  • 大頭照

2011年5月27日 星期五





  1. 蒐集資訊:搜尋學校、課程,並掌握每所學校的學費、附近的生活開銷等
  2. 提出申請:準備英文成績單、畢業證書影本、英文檢定成績(雅思、托福,要看學校規定,主要採用雅思,但現在托福也可以,我就是用托福成績申請的)
  3. 學校核發申請結果Unconditional Offer, Conditional Offer(申請人尚未檢附符合申請標準的英文檢定成績單)
  4. 繳費:以我申請的UQ為例,繳費要繳兩筆款項,一筆是給學校的註冊費訂金AUD$8,000,另一筆是OSHC學生保險費AUD$1330,額外還有一筆銀行手續費AUD$20。如果有伴侶同行的話,學生保險費就要再多付一筆。簽證核發的日期會跟學生保險的日期是一樣的。
  5. 取得COE:COE = Confirmation of Enrollment,取得COE後要確認所有資料是否正確,正確的話就可以辦簽證囉!
  6. 辦簽證:辦Student Visa可以透過遞交文件到澳大利亞商工辦事處辦理,或是透過線上申辦電子學生簽證(辦事處說明澳洲移民局網頁留學網站說明文)。
  7. 購買機票:許多旅遊網站都可以購買到有折扣的機票,可以多加比價並注意相關附屬條件,如果一年內不會回到臺灣,買單程票就可以了。
  8. 收拾行李準備出國囉!原則上托運行李上限重量是20kg,隨身行李是7kg,所以事先要斟酌要帶哪些東西,懂得取捨是很重要滴。