- 昨晚用MIT的開放式課程上了第一堂Computer Science的課,好有上課的fu,彷彿又回到學生時代了。國外教電腦的approach跟國內好像不太一樣,我喜歡國外先教大概念的作法,先掌握general concept再進入細節,如此才能通盤瞭解。
- 這兩天太冷了,really chilly,且陰雨綿綿,真是不舒服。真希望出太陽的假日趕快來,讓我去球場揮灑汗水!
- 台灣的電子書市場似乎還極度不成熟,目前市面上只有一堆硬體,但缺乏內容可以讀,這樣也好,澆熄了我對iPad的渴望。
7 Words Everyday
- indefatigable a. 不疲倦的 > His indefatigability paid off when he won the final contest of the tennis game.
- indolent a. lazy, listless, torpid > Alex was so indolent that he hired other people to wash his hands for him.
- pith n. the essential or central part > the pith of his argument
- vest n. 馬甲背心
- celery n. 芹菜
- pine v. to yearn intensely, to languish, to lose vigor > John pined away for his girlfriend the entire time she was away at camp; he didn't eat or sleep and just stared at her picture all day.
- apostate n. 變節者
